Buy Salvia Extract 40X Online| Salvia Extract 40X for sale
Salvia 40X: Guaranteed to be the most powerful salvia extract for sale online!! When smoked, salvia divinorum is said to induce visions and give entry into supernatural realms. Salvia Extract 40X contains both of the compounds known to produce intense hallucinations, salvinorin A and salvinorin B. Salvinorin A is undoubtedly the strongest, naturally occurring hallucinogenic substance known to man!
Our Salvia Extract 40X contains 80mg/g of high-quality Salvia. Each gram is equivalent to 60 Oz’s of salvia leaves.
For very experienced users and card-carrying Mexican shamans only! This is one of the the strongest Salvia extract we stock. You have been warned!
SALVIA DIVINORUM 40X EXTRACT (0.5 GRAMS) We have permanently lowered our prices on very potent salvia 40X extract. Yes that’s right! This standardized Salvia divinorum extract is 40 times more concentrated than the dried salvia divinorum leaves. Extracts allow one to explore deeper levels than are available using plain leaf. This is particularly important for people who find that they are not very sensitive to Salvia divinorum. Another advantage to Salvia Extract is that they are far easier…
This standardized Salvia divinorum extract is forty times more concentrated than the dried leaves. The effects of an extract are much shorter in duration, about ten minutes rather than two hours, but also way stronger.
After ingestion the effects will be noticeable within mere seconds. This instant change of awareness may feel like an out-of-body experience or transportation to a bizarre alien world. One may also have a sense of merging with objects like the couch one is sitting on.
Our Salvia is imported from Oaxaca, Mexico. Extracts come in a reclosable plastic tube.
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